Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia Surgery
Gynecomastia is enlargement of the glandular tissue in the male breasts. Pseudogynecomastia or Lipomastia is fat deposition without glandular proliferation. Gynecomastia can be bilateral or unilateral
Gynecomastia Surgery is an effective and safe surgery to correct overdeveloped or enlarged male breasts, to provide a masculine chest appearance.
Male Breast Reduction treatment includes liposuction, excision or a combination of both procedures. Surgical choice depends on the skin shrinkage after surgery.
a) Liposuction Technique or Fat Removal surgery: is done, if there is excess fatty tissue in male boobs. It involves insertion of a Cannula (thin hollow tube) through small incisions. The fat is loosened and extracted by vacuum suction.
b) Excision : of glandular breast tissue and/or skin is recommended in large male breasts since Glandular breast tissue is denser than fatty tissue and unsuitable for liposuction. It corrects breast reduction for men and reduces the Areola or repositions the nipple, to match the male chest. Puffy nipples associated with enlarged male breast can be treated by liposuction and gland excision through circum-areolar incision.
Irrespective of the technique used, the primary goal of Gynecomastia surgery is to restore a normal male chest contour and to correct deformities of the breast, nipple or Areola.
Preparing for male breast reduction surgery – Do’s and Don’ts
Care Before Surgery
- Select a certified and experienced Cosmetic surgeon for consultation/procedure
- Quit smoking 2 weeks before surgery and alcohol too.
- Refrain from eating or drinking for 8 hours before surgery /as advised by your doctor
- Follow doctor’s instructions about medication to be taken or stopped before surgery as required
- Be prepared to face the risks/complications if any, post-surgery
- Understand the follow-up care, including dietary restrictions
- Have realistic expectations
Care After Surgery
- Follow your doctor’s post-op care instructions strictly to avoid complications
- No – strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks
- Quit smoking and alcohol for at least 3-4 weeks
- No weight lifting or stretching for six weeks.
- Do not expose to direct sunlight, and eat soft semi-solid foods
- Regular exercises with the help of physiotherapist
- Do not skip post-op care appointments
Frequently asked Questions
Here are a few points that may answer your questions about Male Breast Reduction surgery in Hyderabad, and to help you make an informed decision before opting for it.
Men who are physically healthy and concerned about the size of their breasts without severe psychological issues are the right candidates suitable for Gynecomastia surgery. Having a positive attitude and realistic expectations for improving the physical symptoms of Gynecomastia can help when considering Gynecomastia treatment. If you want to decide on what surgery is best suited for you, please consult our board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon.
- When an individual is reluctant to remove his shirt in public, to swim, to participate in sports or to exercise at fitness centers.
- When an individual wants to improve his overall body proportions.
- When individual experiences psychological issues associated with male breasts or man boobs and wants to increase his self-esteem & social confidence.
Unfortunately there are no medications for enlarged male breasts. A board-certified plastic surgeon can effectively and safely improve or correct Gynecomastia problem through surgery.
The primary goal of Gynecomastia treatment is to reduce breast size in men who are embarrassed about their large breasts. Treatment of Gynecomastia is either by Liposuction or Gland Excision or both. The procedure is done in an outpatient setting under general anesthesia, or through intravenous sedation and local anesthesia. It may take about 1.3 hours to 3 hours to complete the procedure. A scar from Gynecomastia surgery varies, depending on the amount of fat, glandular breast tissue, and skin elasticity. Majority of the scars are inconspicuous.
Gynaecomastia surgery is safe in the hands of a board-certified plastic surgeon. Possible signs of “temporary” bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, and/or a burning sensation can be noticed post breast reduction surgery
Other risks may include infection, fluid build-up, injury to the skin, rippling or loose skin, asymmetry, pigmentation changes, excessive scarring with excision technique, loss of nipple sensation, and contour irregularities. In some cases a second procedure may be needed to remove additional tissue.
Please note that all surgical procedures have some degree of risk ranging from mild infections to life threatening conditions including death. The risks and safety measures should be fully discussed prior to your consent. It’s important that you clarify all your questions directly with your plastic surgeon before going ahead for the surgery.
The patient may go back to work after a week. Strenuous activity can be resumed after three weeks. Most of the swelling and bruising usually disappears in three to six months of the surgery. The results are permanent until one maintains a healthy lifestyle & stable weight. Weight gain may once again lead to enlarged breasts in men. For a safe and healthy outcome, it’s important to have a regular follow-up evaluation at prescribed intervals and whenever you notice any changes. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor when you have any questions or concerns especially during the post-operative recovery period.
Male breast reduction surgery cost in India varies depending on the city chosen. Gynecomastia surgery cost usually includes Hospital / Surgical facility cost, Anesthetist and Surgeon’s fee, Nursing and Support Staff fee. Chest reduction surgery cost is dependent on involvement of single side or two sides. Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Hyderabad India usually varies between Rs.40,000 to Rs.60,000 (+18%GST) (excluding cost of Disposables/Medicines, Laboratory Investigations/Diagnostics, and Compression garments).
The major factors influencing surgical cost are the severity of your condition and the techniques used by your surgeon. Choose your surgeon based on quality, training and experience and not cost.
You can contact us on +91 9440 36 24 36 if you’re considering Gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad. Before you come for consultation, you can also share your pictures either on Whatsapp or email to get an opinion from our cosmetic plastic surgeon at Gynecomastia Centre in Hyderabad, to help us understand your problem and guide you better about the procedure. Details like type of surgery, incisions and scars and male chest reduction surgery cost will be discussed at the time of consultation by Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ravindranath Bhyri.
How is Hyderabad Cosmetic Surgery (HCS) different?
Your search for Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Hyderabad ends here. You can rely on us for Gynecomastia Treatment in Hyderabad. At HCS, we adopt surgical option which is safe, predictable and stable. We offer affordable pricing for male chest reduction surgery; our patients have experienced rewarding results from Gynecomastia Surgery in Hyderabad.
We are a team of Best Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons for Male Breast Reduction in Hyderabad with experience in mastectomy, Gynecomastia, breast reduction surgery, Lumpectomy, and Oncoplastic breast (breast cancer) Reconstructive surgeries.
Our team is led by Dr Ravindranath Bhyri M.S, M.Ch a board-certified Plastic Surgeon with 15 years of surgical experience. He is one of the Best Gynecomastia Surgeons in India with vast clinical experience not only in male chest reduction surgeries but also has an expertise in complex Reconstructive & life-saving procedures.
At HCS Gynecomastia centre, our Gynecomastia doctor will discuss with the patients in detail, about the pros and cons of the procedure and answer all questions raised by the patients to help them make informed decisions. The Gynecomastia surgeon in Hyderabad cosmetic surgery center provides Gynaecomastia Surgery Before and After photos for patients to compare and assess doctor’s expertise.
We are an empathetic team that ensures best patient care, provide post-operative care instructions and cost-effective treatment for Gynecomastia Surgery in Hyderabad. You can stay rest assured that you are in the safe hands of a highly trained, qualified and best cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. Ravindranath Bhyri at Hyderabad Cosmetic Surgery
Call +91-9440 36 24 36 or Ask a Query or BOOK PLASTIC SURGEON APPOINTMENT
Send us your pictures before you come for consultation, to understand if you are a candidate for the procedure and help advise you better.
Send us your Gynecomastia pictures before you come for consultation, to understand if you are an ideal candidate for Male Breast Surgery and help advise you better.