Clitoroplasty Surgery
– Live with confidence and Live to the fullest!
The clitoris is a minor part of female genitals that is highly sensitive to sexual stimulation equivalent to the penis in males. It is partially or completely covered by clitoral hood which makes the upper arch of labia Minora. In terms of composition, the clitoral hood and the males’ foreskin have similar Mucocutaneous tissues composition.
Clitoroplasty is a plastic surgery procedure performed for either meeting functional needs or cosmetic reasons as outlined below:
- Reducing size of clitoris, which would have increased due to some conditions like Polycystic ovarian syndrome or side effects of some medications
- Congenital birth defects like abnormal clitoris or shallow vagina and unclear genitalia
- Reducing the size of clitoral hood to restore or experience sexual stimulations
- As a management of injury to clitoral hood or clitoris
- Gender reassignment surgery
- Improving aesthetic appearance of genital area
Clitoroplasty Surgical procedures
Clitoroplasty is a simple procedure that takes less than an hour and performed under local anesthesia. The patient can get back to normal activities within two to three days of time.
Clitoroplasty Surgical Methods
The type of surgical options depends on the purpose of the procedure like correction of congenital birth defects, length reduction and reconstruction.
Clitoral Hood reduction
It is the most common for removing the excess tissue and to pull the clitoris upwards till the ideal appearance and size get determined. Once the size and appearance get achieved the surgeon will stitch the areas from the underside. This technique avoids the Neurovascular bundle damage and preserves the appearance of clitoral glans.
Clitoral Shaft
It is one of the alternative technique where surgeons create a bend in the clitoral shaft that reduces the clitoral hood length as well as maintains the appearance to the normal female genitals. This technique avoids excessive blood loss as well as the Neurovascular supply in the surgical area.
Clitoral reconstruction Surgery
The most common technique involved in the separation of male penile glans from the erectile tissues and reducing the size and appearance of woman clitoris. But the appearance is different from the normal.
Frequently asked Questions
Here are a few points that may answer your questions about Rhinoplasty, to help you make an informed decision before opting for it.
Clitoroplasty is a cosmetic or plastic surgical procedure performed on the clitoris which is small female genitalia located at Vulva.
The main aim of Clitoroplasty treatment is to get back the normal appearance while retaining the sensation of the clitoris.
Clitoroplasty is performed on both children and adult women. It is quite common in children than in adults. This procedure is performed after discussing with the parents mainly at the time of reconstruction of ambiguous genitalia.
Clitoroplasty can be used to treat different conditions in girls and women that include.
• Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: A severe form of adrenal condition born with abnormal genitals.
• Female Pseudohermaphroditism: Female having ovaries but have male genitals.
• Ambiguous genitalia: a rare condition where the infant’s external genitals don’t appear as male or female. Doctors will counsel the parents and help them decide what gender they want to raise their child.
Any surgery can bring side effects as it is invasive. Here are some risks and complications with Clitoroplasty surgery.
• Blood loss
• Infection
• Numbness
• Tissue scarring
• Necrosis
• High sensitivity.
• Boosts confidence levels in patients
• Improves the appearance of the genital area
• Repairing Female genital mutilation or cutting
• Increases the sexual response and produce orgasms
• Corrects birth defects
Clitoroplasty treatment costs depend on the type of method and treatment procedure used. Patients can discuss with the doctor
Have questions about the treatment or need an appointment for consultation? Call : 9440 36 24 36 or Ask a Query or Book an Appointment
Send us your pictures before you come for consultation, to understand if you are a candidate for the procedure and help advise you better.